Spooky author identification

kaggle의 Spooky Author Identification를 연습해보겠습니다.

Spooky Author Identification

  • 공포이야기에 있는 문장의 단어를 분석하여 작가를 예측
  • 제출: id + 3명의 작가에 대한 확률 => 3개의 클래스로 텍스트 분류
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

1. 데이터 불러오기

id text author
0 id26305 This process, however, afforded me no means of... EAP
1 id17569 It never once occurred to me that the fumbling... HPL
2 id11008 In his left hand was a gold snuff box, from wh... EAP
3 id27763 How lovely is spring As we looked from Windsor... MWS
4 id12958 Finding nothing else, not even gold, the Super... HPL
(19579, 3)
(8392, 2)
id text
0 id02310 Still, as I urged our leaving Ireland with suc...
1 id24541 If a fire wanted fanning, it could readily be ...
2 id00134 And when they had broken down the frail door t...
3 id27757 While I was thinking how I should possibly man...
4 id04081 I am not sure to what limit his knowledge may ...


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud
  • 작가에 해당하는 단어
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x219fb0a59a0>


  • 문장의 길이 알아보기
0    231
1     71
2    200
3    206
4    174
Name: text, dtype: int64
plt.hist(data_length, bins= 20, range=[0,500], color="r", alpha=0.3)


  • 한문장에 대략 몇개의 단어가 들어가 있는지
data_split_length= train.text.apply(lambda x:len(x.split(" ")))
0    41
1    14
2    36
3    34
4    27
Name: text, dtype: int64
plt.hist(data_split_length, bins=10, range=[0,100], color='b', alpha=0.5)


  • 워드클라우드: 전체 텍스트에서 많이 사용되는 단어들
cloud= WordCloud(width=400, height=200).generate(" ".join(train.text))
(-0.5, 399.5, 199.5, -0.5)


  • 워드클라우드 저자별로 많이 사용되는 단어들


cloud= WordCloud(width=400, height=200).generate(" ".join(train[train['author']=='HPL']['text']))
(-0.5, 399.5, 199.5, -0.5)



cloud= WordCloud(width=400, height=200).generate(" ".join(train[train['author']=='MWS']['text']))
(-0.5, 399.5, 199.5, -0.5)



cloud= WordCloud(width=400, height=200).generate(" ".join(train[train['author']=='EAP']['text']))
(-0.5, 399.5, 199.5, -0.5)


2. 데이터 전처리

  • 작가의 이름을 0,1,2로 변환
from sklearn import preprocessing
from keras.preprocessing import  sequence, text
lbl_enc = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
y = lbl_enc.fit_transform(train.author)
array([0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2])

3. 데이터셋 나누기

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(train.text.values, y, stratify=y, random_state=42, test_size=0.3, shuffle=True)
print( x_train.shape)
print( x_valid.shape)

print( y_train.shape)
print( y_valid.shape)
  • 원핫인코딩
from keras.utils import np_utils

ytrain_enc = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train) 
yvalid_enc = np_utils.to_categorical(y_valid)

4. keras로 모델만들기

  • 5000개의 단어 사용
  • 최대 길이 60
  • padding을 통해 길이 맞추기
  • texts_to_sequences() 메서드를 이용해서 이러한 단어들을 시퀀스의 형태로 변환(word_index를 통해 텍스트 단어의 순서를 나열한 것을 각 문장에 맞게 변환)
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer


token= Tokenizer(num_words=num_words)  #, oov_token은 토큰화 되지 않은 단어에 대해 특수한 값으로 변환
token.fit_on_texts(list(x_train) + list(x_valid))
word_index = token.word_index

xtrain_seq = token.texts_to_sequences(x_train)
xvalid_seq = token.texts_to_sequences(x_valid)
test_seq = token.texts_to_sequences(test.text.values)

# zero pad the sequences

xtrain_pad = sequence.pad_sequences(xtrain_seq, maxlen=max_len)
xvalid_pad = sequence.pad_sequences(xvalid_seq, maxlen=max_len)
test_pad = sequence.pad_sequences(test_seq , maxlen=max_len)
{'the': 1, 'of': 2, 'and': 3, 'to': 4, 'a': 5, 'i': 6, 'in': 7, 'was': 8, 'that': 9, 'my': 10, 'it': 11, 'had': 12, 'he': 13, 'with': 14, 'his': 15, 'as': 16, 'for': 17, 'which': 18, 'but': 19, 'not': 20, 'at': 21, 'me': 22, 'from': 23, 'by': 24, 'is': 25, 'this': 26, 'on': 27, 'be': 28, 'her': 29, 'were': 30, 'have': 31, 'all': 32, 'you': 33, 'we': 34, 'or': 35, 'no': 36, 'an': 37, 'one': 38, 'so': 39, 'him': 40, 'when': 41, 'been': 42, 'they': 43, 'upon': 44, 'there': 45, 'could': 46, 'she': 47, 'its': 48, 'would': 49, 'more': 50, 'now': 51, 'their': 52, 'what': 53, 'some': 54, 'our': 55, 'are': 56, 'into': 57, 'than': 58, 'will': 59, 'very': 60, 'who': 61, 'if': 62, 'them': 63, 'only': 64, 'then': 65, 'up': 66, 'these': 67, 'before': 68, 'about': 69, 'any': 70, 'time': 71, 'man': 72, 'yet': 73, 'out': 74, 'said': 75, 'even': 76, 'did': 77, 'your': 78, 'might': 79, 'after': 80, 'old': 81, 'like': 82, 'first': 83, 'us': 84, 'must': 85, 'most': 86, 'through': 87, 'over': 88, 'never': 89, 'made': 90, 'life': 91, 'night': 92, 'found': 93, 'such': 94, 'other': 95, 'should': 96, 'do': 97, 'seemed': 98, 'eyes': 99, 'every': 100, 'little': 101, 'while': 102, 'those': 103, 'still': 104, 'day': 105, 'myself': 106, 'great': 107, 'long': 108, 'saw': 109, 'has': 110, 'where': 111, 'own': 112, 'many': 113, 'well': 114, 'again': 115, 'came': 116, 'much': 117, 'down': 118, 'may': 119, 'thought': 120, ...}
[[33, 116, 1, 987, 2, 10, 331],
 [33, 10, 2268, 22, 53, 255, 123, 6, 3278, 23, 78, 445, 807, 61, 22, 166]]
array([[   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   33,
         116,    1,  987,    2,   10,  331],
       [   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,   33,   10, 2268,   22,   53,  255,  123,    6, 3278,   23,
          78,  445,  807,   61,   22,  166]])


모델1: Bidirectional LSTM

from keras.layers import LSTM, Input, Dropout, Bidirectional, GlobalMaxPool1D, Embedding, Dense
from keras.models import Model
def model_1():
    inp= Input(shape=(max_len,))
    layer=Embedding(num_words, emb_size)(inp)
    layer=Bidirectional(LSTM(50, return_sequences=True, recurrent_dropout=0.2))(layer)
    layer=Dense(16, activation ='relu')(layer)
    layer=Dense(3, activation ='softmax')(layer)
    model=Model(inputs=inp, outputs=layer)
    model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
    return model
Model: "functional_1"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_1 (InputLayer)         [(None, 50)]              0         
embedding (Embedding)        (None, 50, 64)            320000    
bidirectional (Bidirectional (None, 50, 100)           46000     
global_max_pooling1d (Global (None, 100)               0         
dropout (Dropout)            (None, 100)               0         
dense (Dense)                (None, 16)                1616      
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 16)                0         
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 3)                 51        
Total params: 367,667
Trainable params: 367,667
Non-trainable params: 0
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
hist=model_1.fit(xtrain_pad ,y=ytrain_enc, batch_size=32, epochs=100, validation_data=(xvalid_pad, yvalid_enc), callbacks=[early_stop])
Epoch 1/100
429/429 [==============================] - 11s 26ms/step - loss: 0.8356 - accuracy: 0.6025 - val_loss: 0.5530 - val_accuracy: 0.7821
Epoch 2/100
429/429 [==============================] - 11s 26ms/step - loss: 0.4419 - accuracy: 0.8333 - val_loss: 0.5059 - val_accuracy: 0.7967
Epoch 3/100
429/429 [==============================] - 11s 26ms/step - loss: 0.3187 - accuracy: 0.8845 - val_loss: 0.5161 - val_accuracy: 0.7998


plt.plot(x_len, vloss, marker=".", color='r', label='val_loss')


모델2 : LSTM 조정

from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM, GRU
from keras.layers import GlobalAveragePooling1D, Conv1D, MaxPooling1D, Flatten, Bidirectional, SpatialDropout1D
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout
# A simple LSTM with glove embeddings and two dense layers
model_2 = Sequential()
model_2.add(Embedding(num_words, emb_size,input_length=max_len))
model_2.add(LSTM(100, dropout=0.3, recurrent_dropout=0.3))

model_2.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu'))

model_2.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu'))

model_2.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
# Fit the model with early stopping callback
earlystop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, patience=3, verbose=0, mode='auto')
hist1=model_2.fit(xtrain_pad, y=ytrain_enc, batch_size=512, epochs=100, 
          verbose=1, validation_data=(xvalid_pad, yvalid_enc), callbacks=[earlystop])
Epoch 1/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 231ms/step - loss: 1.0755 - accuracy: 0.4058 - val_loss: 1.0459 - val_accuracy: 0.4780
Epoch 2/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 214ms/step - loss: 0.9246 - accuracy: 0.5598 - val_loss: 0.7514 - val_accuracy: 0.6868
Epoch 3/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 207ms/step - loss: 0.6162 - accuracy: 0.7534 - val_loss: 0.5447 - val_accuracy: 0.7840
Epoch 4/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 212ms/step - loss: 0.4445 - accuracy: 0.8306 - val_loss: 0.4921 - val_accuracy: 0.8047
Epoch 5/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 227ms/step - loss: 0.3621 - accuracy: 0.8627 - val_loss: 0.4945 - val_accuracy: 0.8032
Epoch 6/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 215ms/step - loss: 0.3134 - accuracy: 0.8808 - val_loss: 0.4965 - val_accuracy: 0.8109
Epoch 7/100
27/27 [==============================] - 6s 215ms/step - loss: 0.2718 - accuracy: 0.8989 - val_loss: 0.5272 - val_accuracy: 0.8069
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
embedding_1 (Embedding)      (None, 50, 64)            320000    
spatial_dropout1d (SpatialDr (None, 50, 64)            0         
lstm_1 (LSTM)                (None, 100)               66000     
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 1024)              103424    
dropout_2 (Dropout)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_3 (Dense)              (None, 1024)              1049600   
dropout_3 (Dropout)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_4 (Dense)              (None, 3)                 3075      
activation (Activation)      (None, 3)                 0         
Total params: 1,542,099
Trainable params: 1,542,099
Non-trainable params: 0


plt.plot(x_len, vloss, marker=".", color='r', label='val_loss')


모델3: GRU

# GRU with glove embeddings and two dense layers

model_3 = Sequential()
model_3.add(Embedding(num_words, emb_size,input_length=max_len))
model_3.add(GRU(300, dropout=0.3, recurrent_dropout=0.3, return_sequences=True))
model_3.add(GRU(300, dropout=0.3, recurrent_dropout=0.3))

model_3.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu'))

model_3.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu'))

model_3.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam',  metrics=['accuracy'])

earlystop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, patience=3, verbose=0, mode='auto')
hist2=model_3.fit(xtrain_pad, y=ytrain_enc, batch_size=512, epochs=100, 
          verbose=1, validation_data=(xvalid_pad, yvalid_enc), callbacks=[earlystop])
Epoch 1/100
27/27 [==============================] - 42s 2s/step - loss: 1.0754 - accuracy: 0.4089 - val_loss: 1.0350 - val_accuracy: 0.4721
Epoch 2/100
27/27 [==============================] - 42s 2s/step - loss: 0.9275 - accuracy: 0.5489 - val_loss: 0.8199 - val_accuracy: 0.6248
Epoch 3/100
27/27 [==============================] - 45s 2s/step - loss: 0.7017 - accuracy: 0.7100 - val_loss: 0.6140 - val_accuracy: 0.7487
Epoch 4/100
27/27 [==============================] - 50s 2s/step - loss: 0.5195 - accuracy: 0.7989 - val_loss: 0.5454 - val_accuracy: 0.7831
Epoch 5/100
27/27 [==============================] - 49s 2s/step - loss: 0.4270 - accuracy: 0.8411 - val_loss: 0.5122 - val_accuracy: 0.7933
Epoch 6/100
27/27 [==============================] - 50s 2s/step - loss: 0.3511 - accuracy: 0.8704 - val_loss: 0.5214 - val_accuracy: 0.7952
Epoch 7/100
27/27 [==============================] - 52s 2s/step - loss: 0.3088 - accuracy: 0.8850 - val_loss: 0.4973 - val_accuracy: 0.8051
Epoch 8/100
27/27 [==============================] - 51s 2s/step - loss: 0.2672 - accuracy: 0.9008 - val_loss: 0.5334 - val_accuracy: 0.8068
Epoch 9/100
27/27 [==============================] - 49s 2s/step - loss: 0.2485 - accuracy: 0.9084 - val_loss: 0.5456 - val_accuracy: 0.7964
Epoch 10/100
27/27 [==============================] - 51s 2s/step - loss: 0.2452 - accuracy: 0.9119 - val_loss: 0.5676 - val_accuracy: 0.7932
Model: "sequential_1"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
embedding_2 (Embedding)      (None, 50, 64)            320000    
spatial_dropout1d_1 (Spatial (None, 50, 64)            0         
gru (GRU)                    (None, 50, 300)           329400    
gru_1 (GRU)                  (None, 300)               541800    
dense_5 (Dense)              (None, 1024)              308224    
dropout_4 (Dropout)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_6 (Dense)              (None, 1024)              1049600   
dropout_5 (Dropout)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_7 (Dense)              (None, 3)                 3075      
activation_1 (Activation)    (None, 3)                 0         
Total params: 2,552,099
Trainable params: 2,552,099
Non-trainable params: 0


plt.plot(x_len, vloss, marker=".", color='r', label='val_loss')


6. 모델 선택

184/184 [==============================] - 1s 4ms/step - loss: 0.5161 - accuracy: 0.7998

[0.5161198973655701, 0.7997956871986389]
184/184 [==============================] - 1s 7ms/step - loss: 0.5272 - accuracy: 0.8069

[0.5272414684295654, 0.8069458603858948]
184/184 [==============================] - 9s 48ms/step - loss: 0.5676 - accuracy: 0.7932

[0.5676275491714478, 0.7931562662124634]

적당한 파라미터 수와 loss값 고려 -> model_1를 선택

ids= test['id']
result=pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["EAP","HPL","MWS"])
0 id02310 0.159981 0.016428 0.823591
1 id24541 0.991916 0.003873 0.004211
2 id00134 0.054596 0.940245 0.005159
3 id27757 0.979490 0.009514 0.010995
4 id04081 0.853191 0.095087 0.051722

추가. 자연어처리 전처리 분석관련

  • CountVectorizer:

문서 집합에서 단어 토큰을 생성하고 각 단어의 수를 세어 BOW 인코딩 벡터를 만든다.

  • TfidfVectorizer:

CountVectorizer와 비슷하지만 TF-IDF 방식으로 단어의 가중치를 조정한 BOW 인코딩 벡터를 만든다.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer


1) 문서를 토큰 리스트로 변환한다.

2) 각 문서에서 토큰의 출현 빈도를 센다.

3) 각 문서를 BOW 인코딩 벡터로 변환한다.

  • 기본
vect.fit((list(x_train) + list(x_valid)))
{'you': 24991,
 'came': 3046,
 'the': 22085,
 'embodied': 7290,
 'image': 11030,
 'of': 15145,
 'my': 14491,
 'fondest': 8910,
 'dreams': 6755,
 'creator': 5012,
 'abhor': 32,
 'me': 13678,
 'what': 24493,
 'hope': 10702,
 'can': 3066,
 'gather': 9450,
 'from': 9207,
 'your': 24998,
 'fellow': 8494,
 'creatures': 5014,
 'who': 24593,
 'owe': 15560,
 'nothing': 14906,
 'well': 24459,
 'remember': 18258,
 'it': 12093,
 'had': 10097,
 'no': 14817,
 'trees': 22694,
 'nor': 14868,
 'benches': 2103,
 'anything': 982,
 'similar': 20067,
 'within': 24741,
 'especially': 7753,
 'there': 22118,
 'is': 12063,
 'to': 22393,
 'be': 1926,
 'made': 13318,
 'in': 11236,
 'this': 22175,
 'way': 24375,
 'without': 24742,
 'method': 13891,
 'true': 22820,
 'wretchedness': 24881,
 'indeed': 11370,
 'ultimate': 22981,
 'woe': 24758,
 'particular': 15800,
 'not': 14898,
 'diffuse': 6100,
 'barzai': 1868,
 'and': 837,
 'atal': 1438,
 'went': 24465,
 'out': 15407,
 'hatheg': 10274,
 'into': 11898,
 'stony': 21035,
 'desert': 5863,
 'despite': 5914,
 'prayers': 16871,
 'peasants': 15952,
 'talked': 21782,
 'earth': 6987,
 'gods': 9728,
 'by': 2955,
 'their': 22093,
 'campfires': 3060,
 'at': 1437,
 'night': 14775,
 'infancy': 11497,
 'was': 24326,
 'noted': 14903,
 'for': 8941,
 'docility': 6555,
 'humanity': 10815,
 'disposition': 6406,
 'then': 22099,
 'bank': 1782,
 'defaulter': 5578,
 'remembered': 18260,
 'picture': 16342,
 'suggested': 21366,
 'that': 22080,
 'viewed': 24011,
 'filed': 8606,
 'identification': 10952,
 'police': 16652,
 'headquarters': 10328,
 'saw': 19252,
 'moat': 14107,
 'filled': 8614,
 'some': 20460,
 'known': 12473,
 'towers': 22527,
 'were': 24467,
 'demolished': 5717,
 'whilst': 24535,
 'new': 14731,
 'wings': 24689,
 'existed': 8030,
 'confuse': 4417,
 'beholder': 2053,
 'time': 22334,
 'his': 10585,
 'pulse': 17441,
 'imperceptible': 11124,
 'breathing': 2663,
 'stertorous': 20977,
 'intervals': 11879,
 'half': 10120,
 'minute': 14010,
 'above': 65,
 'nighted': 14777,
 'screaming': 19405,
 'men': 13793,
 'horses': 10741,
 'dæmonic': 6961,
 'drumming': 6840,
 'rose': 18886,
 'louder': 13168,
 'pitch': 16435,
 'an': 797,
 'ice': 10933,
 'cold': 4009,
 'wind': 24665,
 'shocking': 19874,
 'sentience': 19630,
 'deliberateness': 5648,
 'swept': 21649,
 'down': 6679,
 'those': 22189,
 'forbidden': 8948,
 'heights': 10417,
 'coiled': 3999,
 'about': 64,
 'each': 6963,
 'man': 13440,
 'separately': 19642,
 'till': 22322,
 'all': 632,
 'cohort': 3997,
 'struggling': 21188,
 'dark': 5366,
 'as': 1287,
 'if': 10981,
 'acting': 246,
 'fate': 8386,
 'laocoön': 12593,
 'sons': 20488,
 'arms': 1213,
 'stirred': 21018,
 'disquietingly': 6419,
 'legs': 12788,
 'drew': 6770,
 'up': 23641,
 'various': 23827,
 'muscles': 14435,
 'contracted': 4648,
 'repulsive': 18410,
 'kind': 12395,
 'writhing': 24900,
 'arthur': 1261,
 'munroe': 14415,
 'dead': 5422,
 'alas': 578,
 'how': 10783,
 'great': 9882,
 'contrast': 4659,
 'between': 2200,
 'us': 23693,
 'he': 10316,
 'alive': 630,
 'every': 7852,
 'scene': 19305,
 'joyful': 12251,
 'when': 24508,
 'beauties': 1966,
 'setting': 19704,
 'sun': 21414,
 'more': 14248,
 'happy': 10192,
 'beheld': 2049,
 'rise': 18776,
 'recommence': 17985,
 'day': 5408,
 'adventure': 374,
 'occurred': 15107,
 'near': 14620,
 'richmond': 18703,
 'virginia': 24067,
 'grey': 9912,
 'headed': 10320,
 'ye': 24952,
 'hoped': 10703,
 'yet': 24975,
 'few': 8554,
 'years': 24960,
 'long': 13112,
 'abode': 51,
 'but': 2931,
 'lease': 12733,
 'must': 14459,
 'remove': 18291,
 'children': 3608,
 'will': 24649,
 'never': 14726,
 'reach': 17848,
 'maturity': 13658,
 'even': 7833,
 'now': 14944,
 'small': 20295,
 'grave': 9857,
 'dug': 6874,
 'mothers': 14304,
 'clasp': 3806,
 'them': 22095,
 'one': 15229,
 'death': 5445,
 'embraces': 7300,
 'shuddering': 19965,
 'stretched': 21130,
 'hands': 10159,
 'eyes': 8203,
 'cast': 3254,
 'seemed': 19553,
 'bursting': 2905,
 'sockets': 20397,
 'while': 24532,
 'appeared': 1040,
 'follow': 8901,
 'shapes': 19782,
 'invisible': 11981,
 'yielding': 24981,
 'air': 558,
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 'begun': 2042,
from collections import Counter
[('υπνος', 25067),
 ('οἶδα', 25066),
 ('émeutes', 25065),
 ('élite', 25064),
 ('æschylus', 25063),
 ('ærostation', 25062),
 ('æronauts', 25061),
 ('æronaut', 25060),
 ('ærial', 25059),
 ('æneid', 25058),
 ('æmilianus', 25057),
 ('ægyptus', 25056),
 ('ædile', 25055),
 ('ångstrom', 25054),
 ('zuro', 25053),
 ('zubmizzion', 25052),
 ('zorry', 25051),
 ('zopyrus', 25050),
 ('zones', 25049),
 ('zone', 25048),
 ('zokkar', 25047),
 ('zoilus', 25046),
 ('zodiacal', 25045),
 ('zodiac', 25044),
 ('zobnarian', 25043),
 ('zobna', 25042),
 ('zit', 25041),
 ('zircon', 25040),
 ('zimmerman', 25039),
 ('zimmer', 25038),
 ('zigzagging', 25037),
 ('zigzagged', 25036),
 ('zigzag', 25035),
 ('zide', 25034),
 ('zette', 25033),
 ('zest', 25032),
 ('zerubbabel', 25031),
 ('zephyrs', 25030),
 ('zephyr', 25029),
 ('zenobia', 25028)]
  • stopwords를 직접 지정
vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words=["and", "is", "the", "this", 'υπνος','οἶδα']).fit((list(x_train) + list(x_valid)))
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 'repose': 18371,
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 'luxurious': 13272,
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 'proud': 17339,
 'disgustful': 6320,
 'minds': 13981,
 'bent': 2130,
 'intellectual': 11786,
 'improvement': 11218,
 'held': 10425,
 'dearest': 5441,
 'privilege': 17113,
 'exempt': 7985,
 'attending': 1493,
 'mere': 13834,
 'animal': 880,
 'wants': 24288,
 'seldom': 19572,
 'palace': 15634,
 'assured': 1403,
 'public': 17407,
 'duties': 6929,
 'prevent': 17042,
 'remaining': 18243,
 'alone': 688,
 'perdita': 16059,
 'dream': 6745,
 'cognizant': 3990,
 'escape': 7736,
 'only': 15235,
 'single': 20100,
 'impediment': 11110,
 'wheel': 24496,
 'route': 18922,
 'chip': 3638,
 'twig': 22921,
 'feared': 8433,
 'outsiders': 15457,
 'slowly': 20274,
 'accustomed': 194,
 'finally': 8625,
 'helping': 10443,
 'vastly': 23838,
 'beat': 1951,
 'thickets': 22137,
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 'drawn': 6736,
 'difficulty': 6096,
 'real': 17867,
 'anguish': 874,
 'painted': 15626,
 'features': 8457,
 'lifted': 12891,
 'horror': 10733,
 'fixed': 8700,
 'dread': 6738,
 'ground': 9957,
 'winter': 24693,
 'has': 10249,
 'been': 2008,
 'passed': 15828,
 'miserably': 14049,
 'tortured': 22486,
 'anxious': 973,
 'suspense': 21585,
 'peace': 15933,
 'countenance': 4875,
 'find': 8628,
 'heart': 10352,
 'totally': 22495,
 'comfort': 4102,
 'tranquillity': 22583,
 'feeling': 8474,
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 'place': 16465,
 'irritation': 12061,
 'dreaded': 6739,
 'scream': 19400,
 'uncle': 23083,
 'knew': 12442,
 'against': 483,
 'menace': 13792,
 'defend': 5586,
 'short': 19896,
 'previous': 17047,
 'commencement': 4125,
 'game': 9387,
 'automaton': 1590,
 'wound': 24844,
 'exhibiter': 8008,
 'usual': 23708,
 'ear': 6968,
 'any': 976,
 'degree': 5628,
 'sounds': 20539,
 'produced': 17158,
 'winding': 24666,
 'system': 21731,
 'machinery': 13305,
 'fail': 8245,
 'discover': 6272,
 'instantaneously': 11732,
 'axis': 1669,
 'key': 12367,
 'chess': 3574,
 'player': 16527,
 'cannot': 3094,
 'possibly': 16788,
 'connected': 4457,
 'either': 7142,
 'weight': 24441,
 'spring': 20749,
 'whatever': 24492,
 'told': 22411,
 'elixir': 7219,
 'eternal': 7790,
 'life': 12884,
 'after': 474,
 'began': 2024,
 'call': 3022,
 'slow': 20273,
 'sailing': 19089,
 'stars': 20876,
 'fancy': 8318,
 'glided': 9653,
 'regretfully': 18146,
 'sight': 20021,
 'vision': 24087,
 'opened': 15254,
 'secret': 19505,
 'vistas': 24106,
 'existence': 8030,
 'common': 4155,
 'eye': 8193,
 'suspects': 21580,
 'servant': 19679,
 'course': 4907,
 'fool': 8915,
 'am': 728,
 'sooner': 20489,
 'thought': 22188,
 'obvious': 15083,
 'solution': 20452,
 'repaired': 18322,
 'list': 12980,
 'here': 10477,
 'distinctly': 6477,
 'come': 4090,
 'party': 15817,
 'although': 722,
 'fact': 8228,
 'original': 15344,
 'bring': 2724,
 'words': 24798,
 'written': 24900,
 'overscored': 15518,
 'copied': 4755,
 'formula': 9023,

불용어 불러오기

import nltk
from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\uos\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!

['i', 'me', 'my', 'myself', 'we', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'you', "you're"]
  • stopword를 다운 받은 english에 포함되면 제거
vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english").fit((list(x_train) + list(x_valid)))
{'came': 2992,
 'embodied': 7215,
 'image': 10905,
 'fondest': 8817,
 'dreams': 6688,
 'creator': 4952,
 'abhor': 32,
 'hope': 10581,
 'gather': 9347,
 'fellow': 8409,
 'creatures': 4954,
 'owe': 15372,
 'remember': 18062,
 'trees': 22437,
 'benches': 2059,
 'similar': 19859,
 'especially': 7676,
 'way': 24106,
 'method': 13747,
 'true': 22563,
 'wretchedness': 24583,
 'ultimate': 22721,
 'woe': 24461,
 'particular': 15610,
 'diffuse': 6036,
 'barzai': 1835,

CountVectorizer()의 이외 옵션


알파벳 개수로

직접지정한 패턴
단어 토큰한


  • (2,2) : 2개의 연결된 토큰을 한단어로
  • (1,2): 1개 또는 2개의 연결된 토큰을 한단어로
vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(2, 2)).fit((list(x_train) + list(x_valid)))
{'you came': 222734,
 'came the': 31603,
 'the embodied': 182073,
 'embodied image': 54545,
 'image of': 89224,
 'of my': 129305,
 'my fondest': 118572,
 'fondest dreams': 66094,
 'you my': 222939,
 'my creator': 118311,
 'creator abhor': 41641,
 'abhor me': 87,
 'me what': 111278,
 'what hope': 212948,
 'hope can': 86493,
 'can gather': 31737,
 'gather from': 70913,
 'from your': 69797,
 'your fellow': 223399,
 'fellow creatures': 63004,
 'creatures who': 41740,
 'who owe': 215732,
 'owe me': 137174,
 'me nothing': 111038,
 'well remember': 211513,
 'remember it': 151695,
 'it had': 97057,
 'had no': 76413,
 'no trees': 122967,
 'trees nor': 199145,
 'nor benches': 123356,
 'benches nor': 24641,
 'nor anything': 123348,
 'anything similar': 14255,
 'similar within': 163511,
 'within it': 219544,
 'especially there': 56651,
 'there is': 189467,
 'is nothing': 96243,
 'nothing to': 124814,
 'to be': 195208,
 'be made': 21429,
 'made in': 107999,
 'in this': 91822,
 'this way': 192345,
 'way without': 210439,
 'without method': 219710,
 'the true': 187001,
 'true wretchedness': 199706,
 'wretchedness indeed': 221562,
 'indeed the': 92638,
 'the ultimate': 187052,
 'ultimate woe': 200747,
 'woe is': 219897,
 'is particular': 96288,
 'particular not': 138617,
 'not diffuse': 123881,
 'barzai and': 20705,
 'and atal': 7791,
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 'of hatheg': 128520,
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 'into the': 95154,
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 'the docility': 181845,
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 'then the': 189244,
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 'bank defaulter': 20434,
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 'of laocoön': 128899,
 'laocoön and': 101140,
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 'the arms': 180223,
 'arms stirred': 16063,
 'stirred disquietingly': 171522,
 'disquietingly the': 49332,
 'the legs': 183742,
 'legs drew': 102946,
 'drew up': 51678,
 'up and': 202974,
 'and various': 12723,
 'various muscles': 204780,
 'muscles contracted': 117574,
 'contracted in': 39746,
 'in repulsive': 91516,
 'repulsive kind': 152447,
 'kind of': 99809,
 'of writhing': 131041,
 'for arthur': 66275,
 'arthur munroe': 16465,
 'munroe was': 117471,
 'was dead': 208337,
 'alas how': 3864,
 'how great': 87426,
 'great was': 74442,
 'was the': 209648,
 'the contrast': 181292,
 'contrast between': 39794,
 'between us': 25278,
 'us he': 203683,
 'he was': 80266,
 'was alive': 207990,
 'alive to': 4057,
 'to every': 195784,
 'every new': 57812,
 'new scene': 121792,
 'scene joyful': 157569,
 'joyful when': 99020,
 'when he': 213455,
 'he saw': 80089,
 'saw the': 157094,
 'the beauties': 180453,
 'beauties of': 22121,
 'the setting': 185963,
 'setting sun': 160294,
 'sun and': 174588,
 'and more': 10614,
 'more happy': 115396,
 'happy when': 77716,
 'he beheld': 79398,
 'beheld it': 23924,
 'it rise': 97313,
 'rise and': 154169,
 'and recommence': 11396,
 'recommence new': 150395,
 'new day': 121712,
 'this adventure': 191273,
 'adventure occurred': 2154,
 'occurred near': 126559,
 'near richmond': 120672,
 'richmond in': 153844,
 'in virginia': 91948,
 'grey headed': 74927,
 'headed men': 80443,
 'men ye': 112141,
 'ye hoped': 221974,
 'hoped for': 86547,
 'for yet': 66996,
 'yet few': 222391,
 'few years': 63578,
 'years in': 222115,
 'in your': 92047,
 'your long': 223507,
 'long known': 106174,
 'known abode': 100384,
 'abode but': 176,
 'but the': 29984,
 'the lease': 183722,
 'lease is': 102400,
 'is up': 96559,
 'up you': 203162,
 'you must': 222937,
 'must remove': 117854,
 'remove children': 151881,
 'children ye': 34885,
 'ye will': 222018,
 'will never': 217224,
 'never reach': 121566,
 'reach maturity': 149423,
 'maturity even': 110455,
 'even now': 57154,
 'now the': 125486,
 'the small': 186172,
 'small grave': 165269,
 'grave is': 74067,


  • 토큰의 빈도가 max_df로 지정한 값을 초과 하거나 min_df로 지정한 값보다 작은 경우에는 무시
vect = CountVectorizer(max_df=5000, min_df=10).fit((list(x_train) + list(x_valid)))
vect.vocabulary_, vect.stop_words_
({'you': 4823,
  'came': 588,
  'image': 2145,
  'my': 2786,
  'dreams': 1258,
  'creator': 941,
  'me': 2610,
  'what': 4680,
  'hope': 2085,
  'can': 590,
  'gather': 1814,
  'from': 1776,
  'your': 4826,
  'fellow': 1624,
  'creatures': 943,
  'who': 4705,
  'nothing': 2870,
  'well': 4671,
  'remember': 3485,
  'it': 2298,
  'had': 1962,
  'no': 2848,
  'trees': 4405,
  'nor': 2860,
  'anything': 194,
  'similar': 3870,
  'within': 4748,
  'especially': 1435,
  'there': 4287,
  'is': 2293,
  'be': 377,
  'made': 2540,
from collections import Counter
[('zeal', 4833),
 ('zann', 4832),
 ('zadok', 4831),
 ('youthful', 4830),
 ('youth', 4829),
 ('yourself', 4828),
 ('yours', 4827),
 ('your', 4826),
 ('younger', 4825),
 ('young', 4824),
 ('you', 4823),
 ('york', 4822),
 ('yog', 4821),
 ('yielded', 4820),
 ('yield', 4819),
 ('yet', 4818),
 ('yesterday', 4817),
 ('yes', 4816),
 ('yellow', 4815),
 ('years', 4814),
 ('year', 4813),
 ('ye', 4812),
 ('yards', 4811),
 ('yard', 4810),
 ('wyatt', 4809),
 ('wrought', 4808),
 ('wrote', 4807),
 ('wrong', 4806),
 ('written', 4805),
 ('writing', 4804),
 ('writhing', 4803),
 ('writers', 4802),
 ('writer', 4801),
 ('write', 4800),
 ('wrist', 4799),
 ('wrinkled', 4798),
 ('wretchedness', 4797),
 ('wretched', 4796),
 ('wretch', 4795),
 ('wreck', 4794)]

TF-IDF (Term Frequency -Inverse Documnet Frequency)

  • 인코딩은 단어를 갯수 그대로 카운트하지 않고 모든 문서에 공통적으로 들어있는 단어의 경우 문서 구별 능력이 떨어진다고 보아 가중치를 축소
tfv = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=3, max_features=None, strip_accents='unicode', analyzer='word',
                      token_pattern=r'\w{1,}', ngram_range=(1,3), use_idf=1, smooth_idf=1, sublinear_tf=1,
  • 단어 카운트 가중치를 나타내는 함수로
  • min_dfsms DF(문서의 수)의 최소 빈도값 설정.
  • analyzer: ;’word’ 또는 ‘char’
  • sublinear_tf:TF(단어빈도)가 높을 경우 완만하게 처리하는 효과
  • ngram_range : 단어 묶음
  • max_features: tf-idf 벡터의 최대 feature를 설정. 단어사전의 인덱스만큼 부여
A_tfidf_sp = tfv.fit_transform(list(x_train) + list(x_valid)) 
tfidf_dict = tfv.get_feature_names()
data_array = A_tfidf_sp.toarray()
data = pd.DataFrame(data_array, columns=tfidf_dict)
(19579, 15102)
tfv.fit(list(x_train) + list(x_valid))
{'came': 1667,
 'embodied': 4141,
 'image': 6539,
 'dreams': 3833,
 'creator': 2766,
 'abhor': 11,
 'hope': 6313,
 'gather': 5435,
 'fellow': 4901,
 'creatures': 2769,
 'owe': 9382,
 'fellow creatures': 4903,
 'remember': 10847,
 'trees': 13771,
 'benches': 1140,
 'similar': 12078,
 'especially': 4374,
 'way': 14604,
 'method': 8340,
 'true': 13819,
 'wretchedness': 14961,
 'ultimate': 13906,
 'woe': 14856,
 'particular': 9508,
 'barzai': 1006,
 'atal': 771,
 'went': 14655,
 'hatheg': 6043,
 'stony': 12702,
 'desert': 3281,
 'despite': 3312,
 'prayers': 10080,
 'peasants': 9603,
 'talked': 13195,

빈도수 높은 단어

from collections import Counter
[('zokkar', 15101),
 ('zit', 15100),
 ('zimmer', 15099),
 ('zest', 15098),
 ('zenobia', 15097),
 ('zenith', 15096),
 ('zee', 15095),
 ('zeal', 15094),
 ('zann s', 15093),
 ('zann', 15092),
 ('zaire', 15091),
 ('zadok s', 15090),
 ('zadok allen', 15089),
 ('zadok', 15088),
 ('yxur', 15087),
 ('yxu', 15086),
 ('youths', 15085),
 ('youthful', 15084),
 ('youth seen', 15083),
 ('youth s', 15082),
 ('youth', 15081),
 ('youngest', 15080),
 ('younger days', 15079),
 ('younger', 15078),
 ('young woman', 15077),
 ('young wilcox s', 15076),
 ('young wilcox', 15075),
 ('young sir', 15074),
 ('young people', 15073),
 ('young nobleman', 15072),
 ('young men', 15071),
 ('young man', 15070),
 ('young lady', 15069),
 ('young girl', 15068),
 ('young gentlemen', 15067),
 ('young gentleman s', 15066),
 ('young gentleman', 15065),
 ('young friend', 15064),
 ('young folks', 15063),
 ('young feller', 15062)]

워드클라우드로 시각화

from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path='font/NanumGothic.ttf', background_color='white')
cloud = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(dict(tags))

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))


  • 참고:

)- [kaggle][필사] Spooky Author Identification 2) [10주차] 새벽 5시 캐글(kaggle)필사하기-Spooky-author data 3) Scikit-Learn의 문서 전처리 기능
