kaggle의 House price를 연습해보겠습니다.
House Price
- id로 salePrice를 예측
import pandas as pd
1. data load
변수 소개
- MSSubClass: 매매와 관련된 주거 유형을 식별
MSZoning: 판매의 일반 구역 분류를 식별
( A Agriculture C Commercial FV Floating Village Residential I Industrial RH Residential High Density RL Residential Low Density RP Residential Low Density Park RM Residential Medium Density )
- LotFrontage:재산에 연결된 선으로 된 피트
- LotArea:로트 크기(평방 피트)
- Street:숙박시설에 대한 도로 접근 유형 (Grv:Gravel,Pave:Paved)
- Alley: 골목을 통한 부동산 접근 유형 (Grvl: Gravel,Pave: Paved, NA: No alley access)
등 81개의 변수
Id | MSSubClass | MSZoning | LotFrontage | LotArea | Street | Alley | LotShape | LandContour | Utilities | ... | PoolArea | PoolQC | Fence | MiscFeature | MiscVal | MoSold | YrSold | SaleType | SaleCondition | SalePrice | |
0 | 1 | 60 | RL | 65.0 | 8450 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 2 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 208500 |
1 | 2 | 20 | RL | 80.0 | 9600 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 5 | 2007 | WD | Normal | 181500 |
2 | 3 | 60 | RL | 68.0 | 11250 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 9 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 223500 |
3 | 4 | 70 | RL | 60.0 | 9550 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 2 | 2006 | WD | Abnorml | 140000 |
4 | 5 | 60 | RL | 84.0 | 14260 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 12 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 250000 |
5 rows × 81 columns
Id | MSSubClass | MSZoning | LotFrontage | LotArea | Street | Alley | LotShape | LandContour | Utilities | ... | ScreenPorch | PoolArea | PoolQC | Fence | MiscFeature | MiscVal | MoSold | YrSold | SaleType | SaleCondition | |
0 | 1461 | 20 | RH | 80.0 | 11622 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 120 | 0 | NaN | MnPrv | NaN | 0 | 6 | 2010 | WD | Normal |
1 | 1462 | 20 | RL | 81.0 | 14267 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | Gar2 | 12500 | 6 | 2010 | WD | Normal |
2 | 1463 | 60 | RL | 74.0 | 13830 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | MnPrv | NaN | 0 | 3 | 2010 | WD | Normal |
3 | 1464 | 60 | RL | 78.0 | 9978 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 6 | 2010 | WD | Normal |
4 | 1465 | 120 | RL | 43.0 | 5005 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | HLS | AllPub | ... | 144 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 1 | 2010 | WD | Normal |
5 rows × 80 columns
(1460, 81)
(1459, 80)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1460 entries, 0 to 1459
Data columns (total 81 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Id 1460 non-null int64
1 MSSubClass 1460 non-null int64
2 MSZoning 1460 non-null object
3 LotFrontage 1201 non-null float64
4 LotArea 1460 non-null int64
5 Street 1460 non-null object
6 Alley 91 non-null object
7 LotShape 1460 non-null object
8 LandContour 1460 non-null object
9 Utilities 1460 non-null object
10 LotConfig 1460 non-null object
11 LandSlope 1460 non-null object
12 Neighborhood 1460 non-null object
13 Condition1 1460 non-null object
14 Condition2 1460 non-null object
15 BldgType 1460 non-null object
16 HouseStyle 1460 non-null object
17 OverallQual 1460 non-null int64
18 OverallCond 1460 non-null int64
19 YearBuilt 1460 non-null int64
20 YearRemodAdd 1460 non-null int64
21 RoofStyle 1460 non-null object
22 RoofMatl 1460 non-null object
23 Exterior1st 1460 non-null object
24 Exterior2nd 1460 non-null object
25 MasVnrType 1452 non-null object
26 MasVnrArea 1452 non-null float64
27 ExterQual 1460 non-null object
28 ExterCond 1460 non-null object
29 Foundation 1460 non-null object
30 BsmtQual 1423 non-null object
31 BsmtCond 1423 non-null object
32 BsmtExposure 1422 non-null object
33 BsmtFinType1 1423 non-null object
34 BsmtFinSF1 1460 non-null int64
35 BsmtFinType2 1422 non-null object
36 BsmtFinSF2 1460 non-null int64
37 BsmtUnfSF 1460 non-null int64
38 TotalBsmtSF 1460 non-null int64
39 Heating 1460 non-null object
40 HeatingQC 1460 non-null object
41 CentralAir 1460 non-null object
42 Electrical 1459 non-null object
43 1stFlrSF 1460 non-null int64
44 2ndFlrSF 1460 non-null int64
45 LowQualFinSF 1460 non-null int64
46 GrLivArea 1460 non-null int64
47 BsmtFullBath 1460 non-null int64
48 BsmtHalfBath 1460 non-null int64
49 FullBath 1460 non-null int64
50 HalfBath 1460 non-null int64
51 BedroomAbvGr 1460 non-null int64
52 KitchenAbvGr 1460 non-null int64
53 KitchenQual 1460 non-null object
54 TotRmsAbvGrd 1460 non-null int64
55 Functional 1460 non-null object
56 Fireplaces 1460 non-null int64
57 FireplaceQu 770 non-null object
58 GarageType 1379 non-null object
59 GarageYrBlt 1379 non-null float64
60 GarageFinish 1379 non-null object
61 GarageCars 1460 non-null int64
62 GarageArea 1460 non-null int64
63 GarageQual 1379 non-null object
64 GarageCond 1379 non-null object
65 PavedDrive 1460 non-null object
66 WoodDeckSF 1460 non-null int64
67 OpenPorchSF 1460 non-null int64
68 EnclosedPorch 1460 non-null int64
69 3SsnPorch 1460 non-null int64
70 ScreenPorch 1460 non-null int64
71 PoolArea 1460 non-null int64
72 PoolQC 7 non-null object
73 Fence 281 non-null object
74 MiscFeature 54 non-null object
75 MiscVal 1460 non-null int64
76 MoSold 1460 non-null int64
77 YrSold 1460 non-null int64
78 SaleType 1460 non-null object
79 SaleCondition 1460 non-null object
80 SalePrice 1460 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(35), object(43)
memory usage: 924.0+ KB
numeric=train.dtypes[train.dtypes != "object"].index
print("숫자형의 변수 종류:", len(numeric))
cate=train.dtypes[train.dtypes == 'object'].index
print("문자형의 변수 종류:",len(cate))
print('숫자형 변수',numeric)
print('문자형 변수',cate)
숫자형의 변수 종류: 38
문자형의 변수 종류: 43
숫자형 변수 Index(['Id', 'MSSubClass', 'LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'OverallQual',
'OverallCond', 'YearBuilt', 'YearRemodAdd', 'MasVnrArea', 'BsmtFinSF1',
'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtUnfSF', 'TotalBsmtSF', '1stFlrSF', '2ndFlrSF',
'LowQualFinSF', 'GrLivArea', 'BsmtFullBath', 'BsmtHalfBath', 'FullBath',
'HalfBath', 'BedroomAbvGr', 'KitchenAbvGr', 'TotRmsAbvGrd',
'Fireplaces', 'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageCars', 'GarageArea', 'WoodDeckSF',
'OpenPorchSF', 'EnclosedPorch', '3SsnPorch', 'ScreenPorch', 'PoolArea',
'MiscVal', 'MoSold', 'YrSold', 'SalePrice'],
문자형 변수 Index(['MSZoning', 'Street', 'Alley', 'LotShape', 'LandContour', 'Utilities',
'LotConfig', 'LandSlope', 'Neighborhood', 'Condition1', 'Condition2',
'BldgType', 'HouseStyle', 'RoofStyle', 'RoofMatl', 'Exterior1st',
'Exterior2nd', 'MasVnrType', 'ExterQual', 'ExterCond', 'Foundation',
'BsmtQual', 'BsmtCond', 'BsmtExposure', 'BsmtFinType1', 'BsmtFinType2',
'Heating', 'HeatingQC', 'CentralAir', 'Electrical', 'KitchenQual',
'Functional', 'FireplaceQu', 'GarageType', 'GarageFinish', 'GarageQual',
'GarageCond', 'PavedDrive', 'PoolQC', 'Fence', 'MiscFeature',
'SaleType', 'SaleCondition'],
2. 데이터 전처리
1)이상치 탐색 및 제거
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
def detect_outliers(df, n, features):
outlier_indices = []
for col in features:
Q1 = np.percentile(df[col], 25)
Q3 = np.percentile(df[col], 75)
IQR = Q3 - Q1
outlier_step = 1.5 * IQR
outlier_list_col = df[(df[col] < Q1 - outlier_step) | (df[col] > Q3 + outlier_step)].index
outlier_indices = Counter(outlier_indices)
multiple_outliers = list(k for k, v in outlier_indices.items() if v > n)
return multiple_outliers
Outliers_to_drop = detect_outliers(train, 2,
['Id', 'MSSubClass', 'LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'OverallQual', 'OverallCond', 'YearBuilt', 'YearRemodAdd', 'MasVnrArea',
'BsmtFinSF1', 'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtUnfSF', 'TotalBsmtSF', '1stFlrSF', '2ndFlrSF', 'LowQualFinSF', 'GrLivArea', 'BsmtFullBath',
'BsmtHalfBath', 'FullBath', 'HalfBath', 'BedroomAbvGr', 'KitchenAbvGr', 'TotRmsAbvGrd', 'Fireplaces', 'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageCars',
'GarageArea', 'WoodDeckSF', 'OpenPorchSF', 'EnclosedPorch', '3SsnPorch', 'ScreenPorch', 'PoolArea', 'MiscVal', 'MoSold', 'YrSold'])
Id | MSSubClass | MSZoning | LotFrontage | LotArea | Street | Alley | LotShape | LandContour | Utilities | ... | PoolArea | PoolQC | Fence | MiscFeature | MiscVal | MoSold | YrSold | SaleType | SaleCondition | SalePrice | |
48 | 49 | 190 | RM | 33.0 | 4456 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 6 | 2009 | New | Partial | 113000 |
93 | 94 | 190 | C (all) | 60.0 | 7200 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 11 | 2007 | WD | Normal | 133900 |
125 | 126 | 190 | RM | 60.0 | 6780 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 6 | 2006 | WD | Normal | 84500 |
165 | 166 | 190 | RL | 62.0 | 10106 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 9 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 127500 |
172 | 173 | 160 | RL | 44.0 | 5306 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 6 | 2006 | WD | Normal | 239000 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1350 | 1351 | 90 | RL | 91.0 | 11643 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 8 | 2009 | WD | Normal | 200000 |
634 | 635 | 90 | RL | 64.0 | 6979 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | GdPrv | Shed | 600 | 6 | 2010 | WD | Normal | 144000 |
910 | 911 | 90 | RL | 80.0 | 11600 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 1 | 2010 | WD | Normal | 154300 |
1292 | 1293 | 70 | RM | 60.0 | 6600 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 12 | 2009 | WD | Normal | 107500 |
912 | 913 | 30 | RM | 51.0 | 6120 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | MnPrv | Shed | 620 | 7 | 2006 | WD | Abnorml | 88000 |
122 rows × 81 columns
122행에서 이상치 발견
(1338, 81)
2) 결측치 발견
for col in train.columns:
msperc = 'column: {:>10}\t Percent of NaN value: {:.2f}%'.format(col, 100 * (train[col].isnull().sum() / train[col].shape[0]))
column: Id Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MSSubClass Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MSZoning Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LotFrontage Percent of NaN value: 17.12%
column: LotArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Street Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Alley Percent of NaN value: 94.10%
column: LotShape Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LandContour Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Utilities Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LotConfig Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LandSlope Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Neighborhood Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Condition1 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Condition2 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BldgType Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: HouseStyle Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: OverallQual Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: OverallCond Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: YearBuilt Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: YearRemodAdd Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: RoofStyle Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: RoofMatl Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Exterior1st Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Exterior2nd Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MasVnrType Percent of NaN value: 0.52%
column: MasVnrArea Percent of NaN value: 0.52%
column: ExterQual Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: ExterCond Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Foundation Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtQual Percent of NaN value: 2.32%
column: BsmtCond Percent of NaN value: 2.32%
column: BsmtExposure Percent of NaN value: 2.39%
column: BsmtFinType1 Percent of NaN value: 2.32%
column: BsmtFinSF1 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtFinType2 Percent of NaN value: 2.39%
column: BsmtFinSF2 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtUnfSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: TotalBsmtSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Heating Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: HeatingQC Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: CentralAir Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Electrical Percent of NaN value: 0.07%
column: 1stFlrSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: 2ndFlrSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LowQualFinSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: GrLivArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtFullBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtHalfBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: FullBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: HalfBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BedroomAbvGr Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: KitchenAbvGr Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: KitchenQual Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: TotRmsAbvGrd Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Functional Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Fireplaces Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: FireplaceQu Percent of NaN value: 48.28%
column: GarageType Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageYrBlt Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageFinish Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageCars Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: GarageArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: GarageQual Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageCond Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: PavedDrive Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: WoodDeckSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: OpenPorchSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: EnclosedPorch Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: 3SsnPorch Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: ScreenPorch Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: PoolArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: PoolQC Percent of NaN value: 99.85%
column: Fence Percent of NaN value: 80.94%
column: MiscFeature Percent of NaN value: 97.16%
column: MiscVal Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MoSold Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: YrSold Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: SaleType Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: SaleCondition Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: SalePrice Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
for col in test.columns:
msperc = 'column: {:>10}\t Percent of NaN value: {:.2f}%'.format(col, 100 * (train[col].isnull().sum() / train[col].shape[0]))
column: Id Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MSSubClass Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MSZoning Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LotFrontage Percent of NaN value: 17.12%
column: LotArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Street Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Alley Percent of NaN value: 94.10%
column: LotShape Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LandContour Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Utilities Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LotConfig Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LandSlope Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Neighborhood Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Condition1 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Condition2 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BldgType Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: HouseStyle Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: OverallQual Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: OverallCond Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: YearBuilt Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: YearRemodAdd Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: RoofStyle Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: RoofMatl Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Exterior1st Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Exterior2nd Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MasVnrType Percent of NaN value: 0.52%
column: MasVnrArea Percent of NaN value: 0.52%
column: ExterQual Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: ExterCond Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Foundation Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtQual Percent of NaN value: 2.32%
column: BsmtCond Percent of NaN value: 2.32%
column: BsmtExposure Percent of NaN value: 2.39%
column: BsmtFinType1 Percent of NaN value: 2.32%
column: BsmtFinSF1 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtFinType2 Percent of NaN value: 2.39%
column: BsmtFinSF2 Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtUnfSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: TotalBsmtSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Heating Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: HeatingQC Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: CentralAir Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Electrical Percent of NaN value: 0.07%
column: 1stFlrSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: 2ndFlrSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: LowQualFinSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: GrLivArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtFullBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BsmtHalfBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: FullBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: HalfBath Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: BedroomAbvGr Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: KitchenAbvGr Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: KitchenQual Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: TotRmsAbvGrd Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Functional Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: Fireplaces Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: FireplaceQu Percent of NaN value: 48.28%
column: GarageType Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageYrBlt Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageFinish Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageCars Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: GarageArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: GarageQual Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: GarageCond Percent of NaN value: 4.86%
column: PavedDrive Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: WoodDeckSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: OpenPorchSF Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: EnclosedPorch Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: 3SsnPorch Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: ScreenPorch Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: PoolArea Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: PoolQC Percent of NaN value: 99.85%
column: Fence Percent of NaN value: 80.94%
column: MiscFeature Percent of NaN value: 97.16%
column: MiscVal Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: MoSold Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: YrSold Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: SaleType Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
column: SaleCondition Percent of NaN value: 0.00%
3) 결측치가 1개이상인 변수에 대해 확인
missing = train.isnull().sum()
missing = missing[missing > 0]
missing.sort_values(inplace=True) = (12,6))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x202a2994490>
missing = test.isnull().sum()
missing = missing[missing > 0]
missing.sort_values(inplace=True) = (12,6))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x202a312b610>
LotFrontage, Fence, Alley, MiscFeature, PoolQC 의 변수들에서 결측치가 많이 발견
4) Skewness (왜도=비대칭도)
- 왜도 : 얼마나 비대칭인지 , 정규분포가 아닌지 , a<0 오른쪽에 치우침,
- 첨도: 뾰족한 정도 , 중심에 집중되어 있는지
for col in numeric:
print('{:15}'.format(col), 'Skewness: {:05.2f}'.format(train[col].skew()) , ' ' , 'Kurtosis: {:06.2f}'.format(train[col].kurt()) )
Id Skewness: 00.00 Kurtosis: -01.19
MSSubClass Skewness: 01.37 Kurtosis: 001.49
LotFrontage Skewness: 01.59 Kurtosis: 013.04
LotArea Skewness: 07.78 Kurtosis: 123.55
OverallQual Skewness: 00.16 Kurtosis: -00.05
OverallCond Skewness: 00.74 Kurtosis: 001.23
YearBuilt Skewness: -0.58 Kurtosis: -00.60
YearRemodAdd Skewness: -0.52 Kurtosis: -01.27
MasVnrArea Skewness: 02.69 Kurtosis: 011.04
BsmtFinSF1 Skewness: 00.65 Kurtosis: -00.50
BsmtFinSF2 Skewness: 04.86 Kurtosis: 026.86
BsmtUnfSF Skewness: 00.87 Kurtosis: 000.29
TotalBsmtSF Skewness: 00.29 Kurtosis: 001.17
1stFlrSF Skewness: 00.66 Kurtosis: 000.02
2ndFlrSF Skewness: 00.77 Kurtosis: -00.80
LowQualFinSF Skewness: 12.74 Kurtosis: 170.50
GrLivArea Skewness: 00.66 Kurtosis: 000.54
BsmtFullBath Skewness: 00.56 Kurtosis: -00.96
BsmtHalfBath Skewness: 04.91 Kurtosis: 024.68
FullBath Skewness: -0.05 Kurtosis: -01.25
HalfBath Skewness: 00.66 Kurtosis: -01.14
BedroomAbvGr Skewness: -0.16 Kurtosis: 000.92
KitchenAbvGr Skewness: 05.36 Kurtosis: 032.14
TotRmsAbvGrd Skewness: 00.37 Kurtosis: 000.11
Fireplaces Skewness: 00.63 Kurtosis: -00.28
GarageYrBlt Skewness: -0.64 Kurtosis: -00.51
GarageCars Skewness: -0.35 Kurtosis: 000.20
GarageArea Skewness: 00.07 Kurtosis: 000.62
WoodDeckSF Skewness: 01.35 Kurtosis: 001.93
OpenPorchSF Skewness: 02.08 Kurtosis: 006.50
EnclosedPorch Skewness: 03.00 Kurtosis: 008.34
3SsnPorch Skewness: 10.92 Kurtosis: 138.82
ScreenPorch Skewness: 04.23 Kurtosis: 018.48
PoolArea Skewness: 25.97 Kurtosis: 675.73
MiscVal Skewness: 31.39 Kurtosis: 1075.77
MoSold Skewness: 00.22 Kurtosis: -00.42
YrSold Skewness: 00.10 Kurtosis: -01.19
SalePrice Skewness: 01.29 Kurtosis: 002.56
3. Numerical Feature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import os
from collections import Counter'seaborn')
#import missingno as msno
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
1) numeric한 변수에 대해서만
- 변수의 상관관계를 파악
- 색이 진하면 관계가 높다 (다중공선성이 있을 수 있다)
corr_data = train[['Id', 'MSSubClass', 'LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'OverallQual', 'OverallCond',
'YearBuilt', 'YearRemodAdd', 'MasVnrArea', 'BsmtFinSF1', 'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtUnfSF',
'TotalBsmtSF', '1stFlrSF', '2ndFlrSF', 'LowQualFinSF', 'GrLivArea', 'BsmtFullBath',
'BsmtHalfBath', 'FullBath', 'HalfBath', 'BedroomAbvGr', 'KitchenAbvGr', 'TotRmsAbvGrd',
'Fireplaces', 'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageCars', 'GarageArea', 'WoodDeckSF', 'OpenPorchSF',
'EnclosedPorch', '3SsnPorch', 'ScreenPorch', 'PoolArea', 'MiscVal', 'MoSold', 'YrSold', 'SalePrice']]
colormap =
f , ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (14,12))
plt.title('Correlation of Numeric Features with Sale Price',y=1,size=18)
sns.heatmap(corr_data.corr(),square = True, linewidths = 0.1, cmap = colormap, linecolor = "white", vmax=0.8)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x202a55d0250>
k= 11
cols = corr_data.corr().nlargest(k,'SalePrice')['SalePrice'].index
cm = np.corrcoef(train[cols].values.T)
f , ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,10))
sns.heatmap(cm, vmax=.8, linewidths=0.1,square=True,annot=True,cmap=colormap,
linecolor="white",xticklabels = cols.values ,annot_kws = {'size':14},yticklabels = cols.values)
Index(['SalePrice', 'OverallQual', 'GrLivArea', 'GarageCars', 'GarageArea',
'TotalBsmtSF', '1stFlrSF', 'YearBuilt', 'FullBath', 'TotRmsAbvGrd',
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x202a5a59250>
- GarageCars와 GarageArea =0.88
columns = ['SalePrice','OverallQual','TotalBsmtSF','GrLivArea','GarageCars','FullBath','YearBuilt','YearRemodAdd']
sns.pairplot(train[columns],size = 2 ,kind ='scatter',diag_kind='kde')
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4),(ax5,ax6)) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(16,13))
OverallQual_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['OverallQual']],axis = 1)
sns.regplot(x='OverallQual',y = 'SalePrice',data = OverallQual_scatter_plot,scatter= True, fit_reg=True, ax=ax1)
TotalBsmtSF_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['TotalBsmtSF']],axis = 1)
sns.regplot(x='TotalBsmtSF',y = 'SalePrice',data = TotalBsmtSF_scatter_plot,scatter= True, fit_reg=True, ax=ax2)
GrLivArea_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['GrLivArea']],axis = 1)
sns.regplot(x='GrLivArea',y = 'SalePrice',data = GrLivArea_scatter_plot,scatter= True, fit_reg=True, ax=ax3)
GarageCars_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['GarageCars']],axis = 1)
sns.regplot(x='GarageCars',y = 'SalePrice',data = GarageCars_scatter_plot,scatter= True, fit_reg=True, ax=ax4)
FullBath_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['FullBath']],axis = 1)
sns.regplot(x='FullBath',y = 'SalePrice',data = FullBath_scatter_plot,scatter= True, fit_reg=True, ax=ax5)
YearBuilt_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['YearBuilt']],axis = 1)
sns.regplot(x='YearBuilt',y = 'SalePrice',data = YearBuilt_scatter_plot,scatter= True, fit_reg=True, ax=ax6)
YearRemodAdd_scatter_plot = pd.concat([train['SalePrice'],train['YearRemodAdd']],axis = 1)
*c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, which should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*. Please use the *color* keyword-argument or provide a 2-D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value for all points.
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x202a9e3ceb0>
- OverallQual, GarageCars, Fullbath 는 범주형 특성 (등급, 갯수)
2) categorical 변수
for catg in list(cate) :
RL 1055
RM 197
FV 65
RH 14
C (all) 7
Name: MSZoning, dtype: int64
Pave 1335
Grvl 3
Name: Street, dtype: int64
Grvl 42
Pave 37
Name: Alley, dtype: int64
Reg 859
IR1 440
IR2 32
IR3 7
Name: LotShape, dtype: int64
Lvl 1211
Bnk 52
HLS 48
Low 27
Name: LandContour, dtype: int64
AllPub 1338
Name: Utilities, dtype: int64
Inside 972
Corner 235
CulDSac 81
FR2 46
FR3 4
Name: LotConfig, dtype: int64
Gtl 1275
Mod 56
Sev 7
Name: LandSlope, dtype: int64
NAmes 205
CollgCr 149
OldTown 93
Edwards 92
Somerst 85
Gilbert 79
NridgHt 71
Sawyer 68
NWAmes 66
BrkSide 56
SawyerW 54
Mitchel 46
Crawfor 44
NoRidge 37
Timber 32
StoneBr 21
ClearCr 19
Blmngtn 17
BrDale 16
MeadowV 15
Veenker 10
NPkVill 8
Blueste 2
Name: Neighborhood, dtype: int64
Norm 1165
Feedr 70
Artery 42
RRAn 24
PosN 12
RRAe 11
PosA 7
RRNn 5
RRNe 2
Name: Condition1, dtype: int64
Norm 1327
Feedr 5
RRNn 2
Artery 2
RRAn 1
PosN 1
Name: Condition2, dtype: int64
1Fam 1128
TwnhsE 110
Duplex 43
Twnhs 43
2fmCon 14
Name: BldgType, dtype: int64
1Story 681
2Story 402
1.5Fin 138
SLvl 58
SFoyer 36
1.5Unf 14
2.5Unf 8
2.5Fin 1
Name: HouseStyle, dtype: int64
Gable 1067
Hip 246
Gambrel 11
Flat 8
Mansard 5
Shed 1
Name: RoofStyle, dtype: int64
CompShg 1324
Tar&Grv 6
WdShake 3
WdShngl 2
Roll 1
Membran 1
Metal 1
Name: RoofMatl, dtype: int64
VinylSd 493
HdBoard 211
MetalSd 202
Wd Sdng 176
Plywood 92
CemntBd 54
BrkFace 41
WdShing 24
Stucco 21
AsbShng 18
BrkComm 2
CBlock 1
ImStucc 1
Stone 1
AsphShn 1
Name: Exterior1st, dtype: int64
VinylSd 484
MetalSd 196
HdBoard 192
Wd Sdng 173
Plywood 124
CmentBd 54
Wd Shng 34
Stucco 21
BrkFace 19
AsbShng 18
ImStucc 8
Brk Cmn 6
Stone 4
AsphShn 3
CBlock 1
Other 1
Name: Exterior2nd, dtype: int64
None 786
BrkFace 417
Stone 117
BrkCmn 11
Name: MasVnrType, dtype: int64
TA 833
Gd 459
Ex 38
Fa 8
Name: ExterQual, dtype: int64
TA 1192
Gd 122
Fa 22
Po 1
Ex 1
Name: ExterCond, dtype: int64
PConc 614
CBlock 571
BrkTil 128
Slab 19
Stone 3
Wood 3
Name: Foundation, dtype: int64
Gd 588
TA 583
Ex 104
Fa 32
Name: BsmtQual, dtype: int64
TA 1211
Gd 57
Fa 37
Po 2
Name: BsmtCond, dtype: int64
No 881
Av 209
Gd 113
Mn 103
Name: BsmtExposure, dtype: int64
Unf 401
GLQ 388
ALQ 197
BLQ 137
Rec 119
LwQ 65
Name: BsmtFinType1, dtype: int64
Unf 1183
LwQ 39
Rec 35
BLQ 23
ALQ 15
GLQ 11
Name: BsmtFinType2, dtype: int64
GasA 1313
GasW 13
Grav 7
Wall 3
Floor 1
OthW 1
Name: Heating, dtype: int64
Ex 690
TA 390
Gd 215
Fa 42
Po 1
Name: HeatingQC, dtype: int64
Y 1263
N 75
Name: CentralAir, dtype: int64
SBrkr 1223
FuseA 88
FuseF 23
FuseP 2
Mix 1
Name: Electrical, dtype: int64
TA 669
Gd 555
Ex 81
Fa 33
Name: KitchenQual, dtype: int64
Typ 1258
Min2 28
Min1 25
Mod 11
Maj1 11
Maj2 5
Name: Functional, dtype: int64
Gd 344
TA 282
Fa 32
Ex 18
Po 16
Name: FireplaceQu, dtype: int64
Attchd 813
Detchd 360
BuiltIn 77
Basment 16
CarPort 6
2Types 1
Name: GarageType, dtype: int64
Unf 552
RFn 401
Fin 320
Name: GarageFinish, dtype: int64
TA 1216
Fa 44
Gd 9
Po 2
Ex 2
Name: GarageQual, dtype: int64
TA 1225
Fa 33
Gd 7
Po 6
Ex 2
Name: GarageCond, dtype: int64
Y 1237
N 71
P 30
Name: PavedDrive, dtype: int64
Fa 1
Gd 1
Name: PoolQC, dtype: int64
MnPrv 143
GdPrv 52
GdWo 51
MnWw 9
Name: Fence, dtype: int64
Shed 36
Othr 1
Gar2 1
Name: MiscFeature, dtype: int64
WD 1162
New 111
COD 39
ConLD 7
ConLI 5
ConLw 5
Oth 3
Con 2
Name: SaleType, dtype: int64
Normal 1106
Partial 113
Abnorml 87
Family 19
Alloca 9
AdjLand 4
Name: SaleCondition, dtype: int64
li_cat_feats = list(cate)
nr_rows = 15
nr_cols = 3
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nr_rows, nr_cols, figsize=(nr_cols*4,nr_rows*3))
for r in range(0,nr_rows):
for c in range(0,nr_cols):
i = r*nr_cols+c
if i < len(li_cat_feats):
sns.boxplot(x=li_cat_feats[i], y=train["SalePrice"], data=train, ax = axs[r][c])
num_strong_corr = ['SalePrice','OverallQual','TotalBsmtSF','GrLivArea','GarageCars', 'FullBath','YearBuilt','YearRemodAdd']
num_weak_corr = ['MSSubClass', 'LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'OverallCond', 'MasVnrArea', 'BsmtFinSF1', 'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtUnfSF',
'1stFlrSF', '2ndFlrSF','LowQualFinSF', 'BsmtFullBath', 'BsmtHalfBath', 'HalfBath', 'BedroomAbvGr', 'KitchenAbvGr',
'TotRmsAbvGrd', 'Fireplaces', 'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageArea', 'WoodDeckSF','OpenPorchSF', 'EnclosedPorch', '3SsnPorch',
'ScreenPorch', 'PoolArea', 'MiscVal', 'MoSold', 'YrSold']
catg_strong_corr = ['MSZoning', 'Neighborhood', 'Condition2', 'MasVnrType', 'ExterQual', 'BsmtQual','CentralAir',
'Electrical', 'KitchenQual', 'SaleType']
catg_weak_corr = ['Street', 'Alley', 'LotShape', 'LandContour', 'Utilities', 'LotConfig', 'LandSlope', 'Condition1',
'BldgType', 'HouseStyle', 'RoofStyle', 'RoofMatl', 'Exterior1st', 'Exterior2nd', 'ExterCond', 'Foundation',
'BsmtCond', 'BsmtExposure', 'BsmtFinType1', 'BsmtFinType2', 'Heating', 'HeatingQC', 'Functional', 'FireplaceQu',
'GarageType', 'GarageFinish', 'GarageQual', 'GarageCond', 'PavedDrive', 'PoolQC', 'Fence', 'MiscFeature',
'SaleCondition' ]
4. feature engineering
1) 왜도 첨도 해결
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (10,6))
g = sns.distplot(train["SalePrice"], color = "b", label="Skewness: {:2f}".format(train["SalePrice"].skew()), ax=ax)
g = g.legend(loc = "best")
print("Skewness: %f" % train["SalePrice"].skew())
print("Kurtosis: %f" % train["SalePrice"].kurt())
Skewness: 1.287364
Kurtosis: 2.555029
- 비대칭도와 첨도를 해결하기 위해 데이터 분포에 log
train["SalePrice_Log"] = train["SalePrice"].map(lambda i:np.log(i) if i>0 else 0)
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (10,6))
g = sns.distplot(train["SalePrice_Log"], color = "b", label="Skewness: {:2f}".format(train["SalePrice_Log"].skew()), ax=ax)
g = g.legend(loc = "best")
print("Skewness: %f" % train['SalePrice_Log'].skew())
print("Kurtosis: %f" % train['SalePrice_Log'].kurt())
train.drop('SalePrice', axis= 1, inplace=True)
Skewness: -0.032026
Kurtosis: 0.571897
2) 결측치 해결
- 결측의 의미가 있다 없다 중 하나일 경우
cols_fillna = ['PoolQC','MiscFeature','Alley','Fence','MasVnrType','FireplaceQu', 'GarageQual','GarageCond','GarageFinish',
'GarageType', 'Electrical', 'KitchenQual', 'SaleType', 'Functional', 'Exterior2nd', 'Exterior1st',
'BsmtExposure','BsmtCond','BsmtQual','BsmtFinType1','BsmtFinType2', 'MSZoning', 'Utilities']
for col in cols_fillna:
total = train.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
percent = (train.isnull().sum()/train.isnull().count()).sort_values(ascending=False)
missing_data = pd.concat([total, percent], axis=1, keys=['Total', 'Percent'])
Total | Percent | |
LotFrontage | 229 | 0.171151 |
GarageYrBlt | 65 | 0.048580 |
MasVnrArea | 7 | 0.005232 |
Id | 0 | 0.000000 |
KitchenAbvGr | 0 | 0.000000 |
train.fillna(train.mean(), inplace=True)
test.fillna(test.mean(), inplace=True)
train.isnull().sum().sum(), test.isnull().sum().sum()
(0, 0)
id_test = test['Id']
to_drop_num = num_weak_corr
to_drop_catg = catg_weak_corr
cols_to_drop = ['Id'] + to_drop_num + to_drop_catg
for df in [train, test]:
df.drop(cols_to_drop, inplace= True, axis = 1)
MSZoning | Neighborhood | Condition2 | OverallQual | YearBuilt | YearRemodAdd | MasVnrType | ExterQual | BsmtQual | TotalBsmtSF | CentralAir | Electrical | GrLivArea | FullBath | KitchenQual | GarageCars | SaleType | SalePrice_Log | |
0 | RL | CollgCr | Norm | 7 | 2003 | 2003 | BrkFace | Gd | Gd | 856 | Y | SBrkr | 1710 | 2 | Gd | 2 | WD | 12.247694 |
1 | RL | Veenker | Norm | 6 | 1976 | 1976 | None | TA | Gd | 1262 | Y | SBrkr | 1262 | 2 | TA | 2 | WD | 12.109011 |
2 | RL | CollgCr | Norm | 7 | 2001 | 2002 | BrkFace | Gd | Gd | 920 | Y | SBrkr | 1786 | 2 | Gd | 2 | WD | 12.317167 |
3 | RL | Crawfor | Norm | 7 | 1915 | 1970 | None | TA | TA | 756 | Y | SBrkr | 1717 | 1 | Gd | 3 | WD | 11.849398 |
4 | RL | NoRidge | Norm | 8 | 2000 | 2000 | BrkFace | Gd | Gd | 1145 | Y | SBrkr | 2198 | 2 | Gd | 3 | WD | 12.429216 |
- Categorical Data들을 수치형으로 변환
catg_list = catg_strong_corr.copy()
catg_list.remove('Neighborhood') #너무 많아서
for catg in catg_list :
sns.violinplot(x=catg, y=train["SalePrice_Log"], data=train)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(16, 5)
sns.violinplot(x='Neighborhood', y=train["SalePrice_Log"], data=train, ax=ax)
- 각 범주의 SalePrice_Log 평균
for catg in catg_list :
g = train.groupby(catg)["SalePrice_Log"].mean()
C (all) 10.960733
FV 12.246616
RH 11.700602
RL 12.069474
RM 11.677434
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
Artery 11.570036
Feedr 11.734675
Norm 12.012766
PosN 12.860999
RRAn 11.827043
RRNn 11.435329
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
BrkCmn 11.757397
BrkFace 12.150038
None 11.884715
Stone 12.391766
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
Ex 12.727937
Fa 11.274881
Gd 12.295102
TA 11.828332
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
Ex 12.595497
Fa 11.585725
Gd 12.170320
None 11.572903
TA 11.791989
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
N 11.471479
Y 12.042717
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
FuseA 11.641350
FuseF 11.565700
FuseP 11.256345
Mix 11.112448
None 12.028739
SBrkr 12.047595
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
Ex 12.582467
Fa 11.514567
Gd 12.209558
TA 11.800968
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
COD 11.788173
CWD 12.198344
Con 12.483911
ConLD 11.900627
ConLI 12.044878
ConLw 11.769706
New 12.427026
Oth 11.675295
WD 11.979355
Name: SalePrice_Log, dtype: float64
# 'MSZoning'
msz_catg2 = ['RM', 'RH']
msz_catg3 = ['RL', 'FV']
# Neighborhood
nbhd_catg2 = ['Blmngtn', 'ClearCr', 'CollgCr', 'Crawfor', 'Gilbert', 'NWAmes', 'Somerst', 'Timber', 'Veenker']
nbhd_catg3 = ['NoRidge', 'NridgHt', 'StoneBr']
# Condition2
cond2_catg2 = ['Norm', 'RRAe']
cond2_catg3 = ['PosA', 'PosN']
# SaleType
SlTy_catg1 = ['Oth']
SlTy_catg3 = ['CWD']
SlTy_catg4 = ['New', 'Con']
- 범주를 수치형으로 변환
for df in [train, test]:
df['MSZ_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['MSZoning'].isin(msz_catg2) ), 'MSZ_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['MSZoning'].isin(msz_catg3) ), 'MSZ_num'] = 3
df['NbHd_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['Neighborhood'].isin(nbhd_catg2) ), 'NbHd_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['Neighborhood'].isin(nbhd_catg3) ), 'NbHd_num'] = 3
df['Cond2_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['Condition2'].isin(cond2_catg2) ), 'Cond2_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['Condition2'].isin(cond2_catg3) ), 'Cond2_num'] = 3
df['Mas_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['MasVnrType'] == 'Stone' ), 'Mas_num'] = 2
df['ExtQ_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['ExterQual'] == 'TA' ), 'ExtQ_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['ExterQual'] == 'Gd' ), 'ExtQ_num'] = 3
df.loc[(df['ExterQual'] == 'Ex' ), 'ExtQ_num'] = 4
df['BsQ_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['BsmtQual'] == 'Gd' ), 'BsQ_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['BsmtQual'] == 'Ex' ), 'BsQ_num'] = 3
df['CA_num'] = 0
df.loc[(df['CentralAir'] == 'Y' ), 'CA_num'] = 1
df['Elc_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['Electrical'] == 'SBrkr' ), 'Elc_num'] = 2
df['KiQ_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['KitchenQual'] == 'TA' ), 'KiQ_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['KitchenQual'] == 'Gd' ), 'KiQ_num'] = 3
df.loc[(df['KitchenQual'] == 'Ex' ), 'KiQ_num'] = 4
df['SlTy_num'] = 2
df.loc[(df['SaleType'].isin(SlTy_catg1) ), 'SlTy_num'] = 1
df.loc[(df['SaleType'].isin(SlTy_catg3) ), 'SlTy_num'] = 3
df.loc[(df['SaleType'].isin(SlTy_catg4) ), 'SlTy_num'] = 4
new_col_HM = train[['SalePrice_Log', 'MSZ_num', 'NbHd_num', 'Cond2_num', 'Mas_num', 'ExtQ_num', 'BsQ_num', 'CA_num',
'Elc_num', 'KiQ_num', 'SlTy_num']]
colormap =
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plt.title("Correlation of New Features", y = 1.05, size = 15)
sns.heatmap(new_col_HM.corr(), linewidths = 0.1, vmax = 1.0, square = True, cmap = colormap, linecolor = "white",
annot = True, annot_kws = {"size" : 12})
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x202acf910a0>
- 의미없는 범주형 변수 삭제 (NbHd_num, ExtQ_num, BsQ_num, KiQ_num 제외)
train.drop(['MSZoning','Neighborhood' , 'Condition2', 'MasVnrType', 'ExterQual', 'BsmtQual','CentralAir',
'Electrical', 'KitchenQual', 'SaleType', 'Cond2_num', 'Mas_num',
'CA_num', 'Elc_num', 'SlTy_num'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
test.drop(['MSZoning', 'Neighborhood' , 'Condition2', 'MasVnrType', 'ExterQual', 'BsmtQual',
'CentralAir', 'Electrical', 'KitchenQual', 'SaleType', 'Cond2_num', 'Mas_num', 'CA_num',
'Elc_num', 'SlTy_num'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
OverallQual | YearBuilt | YearRemodAdd | TotalBsmtSF | GrLivArea | FullBath | GarageCars | SalePrice_Log | MSZ_num | NbHd_num | ExtQ_num | BsQ_num | KiQ_num | |
0 | 7 | 2003 | 2003 | 856 | 1710 | 2 | 2 | 12.247694 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
1 | 6 | 1976 | 1976 | 1262 | 1262 | 2 | 2 | 12.109011 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
2 | 7 | 2001 | 2002 | 920 | 1786 | 2 | 2 | 12.317167 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
3 | 7 | 1915 | 1970 | 756 | 1717 | 1 | 3 | 11.849398 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
4 | 8 | 2000 | 2000 | 1145 | 2198 | 2 | 3 | 12.429216 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
OverallQual | YearBuilt | YearRemodAdd | TotalBsmtSF | GrLivArea | FullBath | GarageCars | MSZ_num | NbHd_num | ExtQ_num | BsQ_num | KiQ_num | |
0 | 5 | 1961 | 1961 | 882.0 | 896 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
1 | 6 | 1958 | 1958 | 1329.0 | 1329 | 1 | 1.0 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
2 | 5 | 1997 | 1998 | 928.0 | 1629 | 2 | 2.0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 6 | 1998 | 1998 | 926.0 | 1604 | 2 | 2.0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
4 | 8 | 1992 | 1992 | 1280.0 | 1280 | 2 | 2.0 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
5. 모델
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import metrics
X_train = train.drop("SalePrice_Log", axis = 1).values
target_label = train["SalePrice_Log"].values
X_test = test.values
X_tr, X_vld, y_tr, y_vld = train_test_split(X_train, target_label, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 2000) #train을 70%
1) XGBoost
import xgboost
regressor = xgboost.XGBRegressor(colsample_bytree = 0.4603, learning_rate = 0.06, min_child_weight = 1.8, max_depth= 4, subsample = 0.52, n_estimators = 2000, random_state= 7, ntrhead = -1),y_tr)
[17:54:08] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree', colsample_bylevel=1,
colsample_bynode=1, colsample_bytree=0.4603, gamma=0, gpu_id=-1,
importance_type='gain', interaction_constraints='',
learning_rate=0.06, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=4,
min_child_weight=1.8, missing=nan, monotone_constraints='()',
n_estimators=2000, n_jobs=6, ntrhead=-1, num_parallel_tree=1,
random_state=7, reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1, scale_pos_weight=1,
subsample=0.52, tree_method='exact', validate_parameters=1,
y_hat = regressor.predict(X_tr)
plt.scatter(y_tr, y_hat, alpha = 0.2)
plt.xlabel('Targets (y_tr)',size=18)
plt.ylabel('Predictions (y_hat)',size=18)
- validation 데이터
y_hat_test = regressor.predict(X_vld)
plt.scatter(y_vld, y_hat_test, alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel('Targets (y_vld)',size=18)
plt.ylabel('Predictions (y_hat_test)',size=18)
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
accuracies = cross_val_score(estimator = regressor, X = X_tr, y = y_tr, cv = 10)
[17:54:09] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:10] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:11] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:11] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:12] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:13] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:14] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:15] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:16] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
[17:54:16] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.4.0/src/
Parameters: { "ntrhead" } might not be used.
This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
passed down to XGBoost core. Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.
- 제출
use_logvals = 1
pred_xgb = regressor.predict(X_test)
sub_xgb = pd.DataFrame()
sub_xgb['Id'] = id_test
sub_xgb['SalePrice'] = pred_xgb
if use_logvals == 1:
sub_xgb['SalePrice'] = np.exp(sub_xgb['SalePrice'])
2) DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
def get_mae(max_leaf_nodes, train_X, val_X, train_y, val_y):
model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_leaf_nodes=max_leaf_nodes, random_state=0), train_y)
preds_val = model.predict(val_X)
mae = mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds_val)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
forest_model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=1), y_tr)
melb_preds = forest_model.predict(X_vld)
print(mean_absolute_error(y_vld, melb_preds))
preds = forest_model.predict(X_test)
accuracies = cross_val_score(estimator = forest_model, X = X_tr, y = y_tr, cv = 10)
- 제출코드
sub_xgb = pd.DataFrame()
sub_xgb['Id'] = id_test
sub_xgb['SalePrice'] = np.exp(preds)
DecisionTreeRegressor이 더 좋게 나왔답니다.